Frequently Asked Question

How to Install Windows Update
Last Updated 7 years ago

For Customer on WINDOWS ONLY:

How to install updates:

Install the software update from the DVD according to the step by step instructions provided here:

Back up your data so you have a copy prior to starting the process!

  1. Once update is complete, confirm that you have installed the update by pressing the F4 key at any menu. The information window should show that the build number with a date.
  2. The date should be near the current date. If it’s not, the update has not been successfully installed.
Once install is completed you are ready to run the year end and updates for the upcoming New Year.

A download for the Payroll Updates Install is available for our AEP FTP Clients on our FTP website.

(If you do not have the current password, call Samco)

Use the link to access the FTP server.

Any questions call: 604-597-4211. Or email us at

Check out our website for Manuals, FAQ’s, Release Notes, and Support

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