Frequently Asked Question
How to Install Payroll Update for Samco Window Users
Last Updated 8 years ago
-Unless you are on Windows, your Software has been updated by Technical Support @ Samco.
Once your software update has been installed you will be ready to close and update your Payroll Module.
This document includes:
-How to do install for Window Users
-Steps for closing payroll
-Steps on updating the payroll with the New Year Changes.
For Customers on WINDOWS ONLY:
How to install updates:
Back up your data so you have a copy prior to starting the process!
Install the software update from the DVD according to the step by step instructions provided after you have accessed the server:
(If you do not have the current password, call Samco)
-Use the link to access the FTP server.
-Enter in Samcowin35
-Add the current password
-Double click on Samco DVD zip folder
-Download the file
-Open it in your C Drive C:\ (this creates a Samco DVD Folder).
-Open Samco DVD - Select; Autorun to install updates
- Once update is complete, confirm that you have installed the update by pressing the F4 key at any menu. The information window should show that the build number with a date.
- The date should be near the current date. If it’s not, the update has not been successfully installed.
Check out our website for Manuals, FAQ’s, Release Notes, and Support
Once install is completed you are ready to run the year end and updates for the upcoming New Year.
Payroll Year End
Check List/Steps in Closing of Payroll Year-End
•Terminated Employees – Make sure their status has been updated, vacation paid out and accruals are zero.
•Create Employee History – Run this BEFORE you do your Year End.
In Payroll > Second Screen (F2) > Year End > Create Employee History. Follow the Instructions. When complete you will have a new subdirectory containing the pertinent T4 information of the closing year.
•DO NOT run the employee history file AFTER Year End, it will clear out the Historical Data.
•To Access Employee History that was created. Go To > Payroll > Employee History and enter in the year for the T4’s. You will be prompted for the year. A menu will pop up. You have an option to print, however, that can be done later. If not printing, Tab out of screen.
•Initialize Accumulators ( if needed) - Go to Payroll > F2 > Year End > Initialize Accumulators. Enter in any user-defined accumulator you wish to start over at the beginning of the year. System Accumulators cannot be initialized.
•Calculate Final Journal Entry – In Payroll Enter > Checks > Calculate Journal Entry - Using the last day of the year for the Pay Period and the Check Date. 12/31/**
Things to note:
- Check Date is in the Year that the check calculation belongs in.
- T4’s, T4A and “Releve” Forms DO NOT have to be printed prior to closing of December (year-end)
– Go to Payroll > (F2) for Second Screen > Set-Up > Year End > Year End Closing.
Step 1- Create Employee History
Step 2 - Initialize Accumulators (if needed)
Step 3 - Run Update? – Yes -
NOTE: When going forward with Year End, if you have not created the ‘Employee History’ a screen will come up and ask you to Run ‘Create Employee History’ Function. Do this before proceeding.
If you have already created the employee history a screen will come up saying “This program will destroy the current tax data. Use the create employee history function then zero the YTD Accumulators before running this program.” Hit [Y] to proceed.
It is clearing out old information.
You are now ready to close the year.
NOTE: Re Year-end changes: Complete your Payroll year-end after the Last Check run for December (including calculation of the journal entry), and Prior to the First check/payroll run in January of the New Year. (Check Date is in the Year that the check calculation belongs in).
-NOTE: The update can be installed anytime, you just cannot run the Payroll Menu Option to apply the New Year Payroll changes until your Year-End has been completed.
-No payroll checks dated for the next year should be run until the last Year-End has been completed. Remember the system is only interested in the date of the check, not when it was printed.
-Calculate your final journal entry before starting the year end process.
Year End Closing is now completed.
- The update can be installed anytime, you just cannot run the Payroll Menu Option to apply the New Year Payroll changes until your Year-End has been completed.
- No payroll checks dated for the following year should be run until the Year-End has been completed. Remember the system is only interested in the date of the check, not when it was printed.
Once you have closed your year end you are now ready to update your software with the new Changes for the Current Payroll New Year .
To run update for following year changes, please scroll to: Install Changes for Payroll New Year
To Apply Payroll Changes for the New Year
-Go to Payroll > Second Screen (F2) > Apply Tax Changes for Jan 2018
-At ‘Do you wish to run this update?’ Enter ‘Y’
-Next prompt: Do you wish to continue? Enter ‘Y’
-The date should display at the top of the right hand side of the screen.
-The software has now updated.
Once done the MC Number and tax year will automatically update.
Check by going into the Control File in Payroll >Set-Up and view the MC number for last tax update and the new tax year..
Example :
Line #7 - The MC Number should increase by one number
LIne # 8 - Tax year should display the new tax year for your payroll
You are now ready to do your first payroll for 2018.
IF you do not see this number, please call or email and we will gladly assist you.
The MC number should match the edition number for the latest update on the CRA webpage:
To Update Forms:
Once year end has been closed and New Year updates has been installed you can then go into > Set-up> Forms > Load and update the forms. You should now see the new forms for the T4 Year you just closed.
NOTE: It is only after the install of the update is done that can you run your Payroll for the New Year.
T4’s can be done anytime and at a later date, as long as it is before the end of February.